This tutorial is intended for user's with little or no experience with linux or wifi. The folks over at remote-exploit have released "Backtrack" a tool which makes it ridiculously easy to access any network secured by WEP encryption. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of using it effectively.
Required Tools
1. You will need a computer with a wireless adapter listed here
2. Download Backtrack and burn it's image to a CD
BACKTRACK is a bootable live cd with a myriad of wireless and tcp/ip networking tools. This tutorial will only cover the included kismet and aircrack-ng suite of tools.
Tools Overview
* Kismet - a wireless network detector and packet sniffer
* airmon - a tool that can help you set your wireless adapter into monitor mode (rfmon)
* airodump - a tool for capturing packets from a wireless router (otherwise known as an AP)
* aireplay - a tool for forging ARP requests
* aircrack - a tool for decrypting WEP keys
* iwconfig - a tool for configuring wireless adapters. You can use this to ensure that your wireless adapter is in "monitor" mode which is essential to sending fake ARP requests to the target router
* macchanger - a tool that allows you to view and/or spoof (fake) your MAC address
Glossary of Terms
* AP: Access Point: a wireless router
* MAC Address: Media Access Control address, a unique id assigned to wireless adapters and routers. It comes in hexadecimal format (ie 00:11:ef:22:a3:6a)
* BSSID: Access Point's MAC address
* ESSID: Access Point's Broadcast name. (ie linksys, default, belkin etc) Some AP's will not broadcast their name but Kismet may be able to detect it anyway
* TERMINAL: MS-Dos like command line interface. You can open this by clicking the black box icon next to the start key in backtrack
* WEP: short for Wired Equivalency Privacy, it is a security protocol for Wi-Fi networks
* WPA: short for WiFi Protected Access. a more secure protocal than WEP for wireless networks. NOTE: this tutorial does not cover cracking WPA encryption
Since Backtrack is a live CD running off your cdrom, there is nowhere that you can write files to unless you have a linux partition on your hard drive or a usb storage device. Backtrack has some NTFS support so you will be able to browse to your windows based hard drive should you have one, but it will mount the partition as "read-only". I dual boot windows and ubuntu on my laptop so I already have a linux swap partition and a reiserfs partition. Backtrack had no problem detecting these and mounting them for me. To find your hard drive or usb storage device, just browse to the /mnt folder in the file manager. Typically a hard drive will appear named something like hda1 or hda2 if you have more than one partition on the drive. Alternately hdb1 could show if you have more than one hard disk. Having somewhere to write files that you can access in case you need to reboot makes the whole process a little easier.
Hacking into someone's wireless network without permission is probably against the law. I wouldn't recommend doing it. I didn't break into anyone else's network while learning how to do this .
Monitoring Wireless Traffic With Kismet
Place the backtrack CD into your cd-rom drive and boot into Backtrack. You may need to change a setting in your bios to boot from cd rom. During boot up you should see a message like "Hit ctrl+esc to change bios settings". Changing your first boot device to cdrom will do the trick. Once booted into linux, login as root with username: root password: toor. These are the default username and password used by backtrack. A command prompt will appear. Type startx to start KDE (a 'windows' like workspace for linux).
Once KDE is up and running start kismet by clicking on the start key and browsing to Backtrack->Wireless Tools -> Analyzers ->Kismet. Alternatively you can open a Terminal and type:
Kismet will start running and may prompt you for your wireless adapter. Choose the appropriate adapter, most likely 'ath0', and sit back as kismet starts detecting networks in range.
NOTE: We use kismet for two reasons.
1. To find the bssid, essid, and channel number of the AP you are accessing.
2. Kismet automatically puts your wireless adapter into monitor mode (rfmon). It does this by creating a VAP (virtual access point?) or in other words, instead of only having ath0 as my wireless card it creates a virtual wifi0 and puts ath0 into monitor mode automatically. To find out your device's name just type:
Which will look something like this:
While kismet detects networks and various clients accessing those networks you might want to type 's' and then 'Q' (case sensitive). This sorts all of the AP's in your area by their signal strength. The default 'autofit' mode that kismet starts up in doesn't allow you much flexibility. By sorting AP's by signal strength you can scroll through the list with the arrow keys and hit enter on any AP you want more information on. (side note: when selecting target AP keep in mind this tutorial only covers accessing host AP's that use WEP encryption. In kismet the flags for encryption are Y/N/0. Y=WEP N=Open Network- no encryption 0= other: WPA most likely.) Further reading on Kismet is available here.
Select the AP (access point) you want to access. Copy and paste the broadcast name(essid), mac address(bssid), and channel number of your target AP into a text editor. Backtrack is KDE based so you can use kwrite. Just open a terminal and type in 'kwrite' or select it from the start button. In Backtrack's terminal to copy and paste you use shift+ctrl+c and shift+control+v respectively. Leave kismet running to leave your wireless adapter in monitor mode. You can also use airmon to do this manually. airmon-ng -h for more help with this
Collecting Data With Airodump
Open up a new terminal and start airodump so we can collect ARP replies from the target AP. Airodump is fairly straight forward for help with this program you can always type "airodump-ng -h" at the command prompt for additional options.
airodump-ng ath0 -w /mnt/hda2/home/ryan/belkin_slax_rcu 9 1
Breaking down this command:
* ath0 is my wireless card
* -w tells airodump to write the file to
* 9 is the channel 9 of my target AP
* 1 tells airodump to only collect IVS - the data packets with the WEP key
Associate your wireless card with the AP you are accessing.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e belkin -a 00:11:22:33:44:55 -h 00:fe:22:33:f4:e5 ath0
* -1 at the beginning specifies the type of attack. In this case we want fake authentication with AP. You can view all options by typing aireplay-ng -h
* 0 specifies the delay between attacks
* -e is the essid tag. belkin is the essid or broadcast name of my target AP. Linksys or default are other common names
* -a is the bssid tag(MAC address). 00:11:22:33:44:55 is the MAC address of the target AP
* -h is your wireless adapters MAC addy. You can use macchanger to view and change your mac address. macchanger -s ath0
* ath0 at the end is my wireless adapters device name in linux
Start packet injection with aireplay
aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -h 00:fe:22:33:f4:e5 ath0
* NOTES: -b requires the MAC address of the AP we are accessing.
* -h is your wireless adapters MAC addy. You can use macchanger to view and change your mac address. macchanger -s ath0
* if packets are being collected at a slow pace you can typeiwconfig ath0 rate auto to adjust your wireless adapter's transmission rate. You can find your AP's transmission rate in kismet by using the arrow keys up or down to select the AP and hitting enter. A dialog box will pop up with additional information. Common rates are 11M or 54M.
As aireplay runs, ARP packets count will slowly increase. This may take a while if there aren't many ARP requests from other computers on the network. As it runs however, the ARP count should start to increase more quickly. If ARP count stops increasing, just open up a new terminal and re-associate with the ap via step 3. There is no need to close the open aireplay terminal window before doing this. Just do it simultaneously. You will probably need somewhere between 200-500k IV data packets for aircrack to break the WEP key.
If you get a message like this:
Notice: got a deauth/disassoc packet. Is the source MAC associated ?
Just reassociate with the AP following the instructions on step 3.
Decrypting the WEP Key with Aircrack
Find the location of the captured IVS file you specified in step 2. Then type in a terminal:
aircrack-ng -s /mnt/hda2/home/belkin_slax_rcu-03.ivs
Change /mnt/hda2/home/belkin_slax_rcu-03.ivs to your file's location
Once you have enough captured data packets decrypting the key will only take a couple of seconds. For my AP it took me 380k data packets. If aircrack doesn't find a key almost immediately, just sit back and wait for more data packets.
If this guide doesn't fully answer your questions you can always refer to the forums at remote-exploit.org
Jul 12th, 2007
Great tutorial!
Jul 24th, 2007
Hey, great stuff. Is there somewhere I can download this with the pictures embedded in it and all that?
Jul 25th, 2007
I added a print this post option. You might want to print the images seperately.
Jul 31st, 2007
WOW.. trust me i have been to thousands of forums and read post but this is by far the most detailed tutorial so far. It looks like you are using ubuntu which is great, I dual boot with windows as well. I am going to use BackTrack to perform this lab test at home as it comes with more security tools. I love ubuntu soon as i change my video card and figure out the dual boot. ATI are pain in the ass.
Jul 31st, 2007
Thanks Guanji
I do use Ubuntu on my laptop normally, and i took some of the snapshots from within it. I used backtrack to do the real work though, which is packet injection. I need to update this to work with backtrack 2.0. I should have it done over the weekend.
Jul 31st, 2007
Hey you dont have to update the computer when it loads do you? i know there are dependencies so maybe i would need a lan connection? Right now i use an air card for my laptop but im trying to do this on my desktop which is connectionless..
Aug 10th, 2007
Great how-to! Let me just mention that, in BT2 you can also start Kismet with “start-kismet-ng”. This auto configures kismet.conf and runs Kismet.
Aug 14th, 2007
Thanks Tony, I still haven’t had time to test out BT2. Im looking forward to it. The improved support for usb wireless devices should definitely make it more useful for beginners.
Aug 17th, 2007
yeah.. wep crackin’s easy. you just made it even simpler.
great guide, very direct and easy to understand.
Aug 25th, 2007
does this back track have a driver for intel /PRO wireless network device or not ?? because it doesn’t feel my wireless device , i do not know why and what i can do to fix this ?
Aug 26th, 2007
the list of compatible wireless adapters can be found here:
Aug 28th, 2007
Hey, great guide, Ryan!
I’ve been doing a lot of googling, and this is the best one I’ve found so far!
Sep 1st, 2007
Ryan, thanks for the tutorial but i am having some problems with mine working. it seems like u are a Linux Master and i was wondering if u could help me out. i think my problem is my internet card. i am using the internal one out of my mac book. i just wanted to know what you thought. thanks
Sep 1st, 2007
Haha, well thanks, but I am definitely NOT a linux master. It sounds like your card is likely the culprit. The best thing to do is see if your card is on the list of supported cards. If it isn’t, your card won’t be able to do the packet injection necessary for this tutorial to be of any help.
Sep 5th, 2007
Hey there, Great tutorial… I have backtrack 2 and I can’t tell if my card is compatable. I have an Atheros AR5BMB5 (According to the underside of my Acer aspire 9300 laptop)
Any ideas,… I mean is that the actual name of my card? as I can’t find any mention of it on the compatability list on madwifi
Sep 5th, 2007
Hi benjab, your card should be using the atheros chipset which *should* work. Good Luck and let me know!
Sep 11th, 2007
Hi ,
I just tryed your tutirial and after this line i get an error :
unknow command.
airodump-ng ath0 -w /mnt/hda2/home/ryan/belkin_slax_rcu 9 1
I am working from the cd .
Sep 11th, 2007
Hmm not sure… maybe the backtrack 2.0 live cd uses regular airodump and not airodump-ng…
you could try
airodump ath0 -w /path/filename
good luck!
Sep 19th, 2007
Hey Ryan, I love this tutorial, its just detailed enough without being condescending. I’m using backtrack 2 and the commands are quite different (but I’ve figured them out accordingly) so everything seems to be working well, but the IVS collection is slow as hell (100 IVS packets in 45 mins, even though reading and sending packets moves quite fast). I’m using an older Proxim card (the Gold a/b 8460-05) but it’s not on the list, so I’m wondering if you think that may be my problem. Everything seems to work, but it would literally take days to collect enough of the packets I need. Also, I’m cracking my own connection, so it’s in an optimal environment.
And Gozzy, you need you change it up to this:
‘airodump-ng –ivs -w /root/Desktop/ (whatever channel number) ath0′
–ivs tells it only to save the ivs packets, the directory will save it to your desktop and the channel is whatever channel you’re working on. It’s a lot different from backtrack 1.
Sep 19th, 2007
Hi Justin,
Ya, this tutorial definitely needs an update… To ask the obvious question: Are you using packet injection with aireplay? Because if you aren’t then it stands to reason that your IV packet collection would be extremely slow. With aireplay spamming arp requests to the access point your IV collection should go very fast. 5-10 minutes max.
EDIT: after re-reading your comment, I think packet injection is failing. I would suspect your card is indeed the problem.
Sep 26th, 2007
Yeah, Backtrack 2.0 uses very different command line options, it was very frustrating.
Also, for some reason I can’t run aireplay, it says cannot execute binary file for some reason… why would it do that? it also does that with standard linux commands like vi or nano stuff like that, weird.
Sep 27th, 2007
I’m new for BT, I have a little problem. When BT starts, I type in name and pass, after then I type : startx
and it says:
-bash: bt: command not found
Can you help me ?
Thx a lot!
Sep 27th, 2007
Hi Joe & Andrew
Are you guys running it off of the live cd? I’m not really sure what’s going on. You might try the forums over at remote-exploit.org.
Sep 30th, 2007
Kismet is not where the above instructions say it is, and when I go into a Konsole and type “kismet,” I get an error message. I have tried BT2 on both live CD and installed to hard disk. This distro is head and shoulders above all others for running wifi cards, so I am frustrated not to be able to put it to work.
Oct 1st, 2007
Alf: I believe BT2 uses kismet-ng not kismet at the command line. You can also use start-kismet-ng to automatically configure your wireless card to run in monitor mode. Hope that helps
Oct 1st, 2007
hi there, thank you great great tut ..just one ques …when i start the live cd from my brother dell laptop it works just fine ..but when i try to start it from my 2Gh AMD hp pavilion laptop it frezz
after the boot word comes then i click enter then you see 2 lines getting initialized after that nothing happens just blank screen any idea
thanks much …….
Oct 14th, 2007
how do you find the mac address of the access point
Oct 20th, 2007
@tiger: you need to check your startup logfile to identify the problem, I think its located somewhere around /boot/init.
@bob: kismet typically detects the mac of the AP.
Oct 25th, 2007
I found great hack (Windows, Linux) tutorials at http://airdump.net
Oct 28th, 2007
My wifi card’s model # isnt listed in the supported/unsupported list… anyone been successful using:
Gigabyte’s GN-WP01GS PCI Wireless Adapter
If not, I’d still love to play with this stuff… can anyone recommend a *cheap* wifi adapter that Backtrack has been tested to work on something like a Intel Core 2 Duo Processor E6600 / Asus P5N-E SLI motherboard ??
Would be nice if there was a usb adapter that was supported, then everyone could just get that one regardless of their computer config (PCI/PCIexpress/cardbus/mac/windows/etc)!
Oct 31st, 2007
great tutorial :) thanks. I made a specific tutorial for use with SLAX and WL-167g adapter, based on this tutorial.
Oct 31st, 2007
Hi Ryan
Awesome write-up. Just what I’ve been looking for for ages.
I get as far as aireplay-ng -1 0 -e belkin -a 00:11:22:33:44:55 -h 00:fe:22:33:f4:e5 ath0 but with my details in and after it’s sent five authentication tries it files with “Attack was unsuccessful. Possile reasons:”……
I’ve checked and everything looks like it correct. I changed belkin to the name shown in kismet, the MAC addresses are right (I think) and ath0 was changed to eth1.
What am I doing wrong?
Nov 1st, 2007
eth1 sounds like an ethernet port not a wireless device.
Nov 19th, 2007
First off, I’m a total linux noob.
It looked like I could follow this guide, but I became stuck very quickly when I couldn’t load kismet or aircrack. I downloaded BackTrack 2 from remote-exploit.org but I don’t think those apps are in the iso.. Can someone please confirm this?
Also, where the bloody hell is the file manager in BT2?
Without an http mirror for the original BackTrack (v1.0) I can’t get hold of it (can’t use ftp). Does anyone have a link?
Nov 20th, 2007
Nope, they are in BackTrack 2 - I’ve got it running right next to me now :)
Try running startx after you log in, this will start up the desktop and then you can find what you need in the Applications / BackTrack / Radio Network Analysis / 80211 / xxx. Kismit is in Analyser (or all) and airodump / replay / crack etc are in Cracking / Aircrack (or, all).
Hope that helps!
Dec 1st, 2007
help guys, when i try to login, every letter is shown twice on screen
so i get
what do i do?
Dec 4th, 2007
Thanks for this great tutorial. I am currently in Backtrack. I found Kismet in the start menu, the app loads (I see a terminal-style window with a blinking cursor and a resolution size 103×34) but then it almost immediately disappears.
It is not minimized. It is just gone.
I tried to load Airodump to see what happens and that app stays open.
Any idea why the Kismet app window disappears / closes / ends?
Dec 7th, 2007
i made a live cd of backtrack2 on a CD-RW using iso recorder and nero burning rom. i booted it and when it gets to the login, i follow the instructions.
i get invalid login. i tried reburning it and same thing, no go.
im using windowsxp sp2 sony vaio laptop with a LINKSYS wifi card.
Dec 10th, 2007
Hi Ryan,
I had the exact same problem as xtrewt. First of all I d/l the iso file which appared to be 689 MB or something like that, however after the d/l finished I saw the iso image was just 410 ish MB but it said the d/l was complete. I burnt the image and when booted and when asked for bt login and password I get an invalid login (root and toor login and password respectively)
Dec 17th, 2007
So download from another mirror.
What about google? Type backtrack 2 download :)
Or maybe backtrack 3? :))
Jan 9th, 2008
everything worked great for me, but i was just wondering what exactly i can do with their wep key once i get it, i mean can i decode it to get their actual password or something so i could then just connect to it using my vista computer if possible, or what other things could be done with it, sorry im a total noob
Jan 11th, 2008
Wireless problems
Thanks for tutorial! :)
Could you awnser if “intel(r) wireless WiFi link 4965AGN #3″ is compatible with backtrack?
if not… what’s the best wireless card for a asus G1?
Jan 11th, 2008
hey xtrewt and greekgod… maybe try downloading from a different mirror? I haven’t run into this problem myself. Anyone else having this same problem?
Jan 11th, 2008
Hello Ryan, I’m Using backtrack 2 and im stuck on the first step with kismit. I see all the APs around my house but how do i view the MAC address of one of them? Under Network List (Autofit) they are all there but i dont know what to type and where or if i can click on anything… im a linux challenged noob as well.
Jan 11th, 2008
nvm i figured out that sQ thing…
Jan 11th, 2008
okay im stumped. it seems like my adapter stops working after about 3 or 4 minutes. the packets per second number goes to zero in kismet and the mac addresses in airodump begin to disappear one by one.
Then when i close all the windows and open kismet again, it now lists 5 adapters for me to choose from (wifi0, ath0, ath1, ath2, kis) when before there were just 2 (wifi0, ath1).
No matter which one i choose it eventually says the same “fatal” error and closes the window itself. only way to get it working again is to reboot.
any thoughts??? i am using a listed netgear wpn311 desktop adapter.
Jan 18th, 2008
Does anyone know why kismet closes as soon as you select a card to use. Windows pops up for a split-second and then disappears.
Jan 20th, 2008
nice tutorial…
i want to ask something:
1, how can we resume capture file(ivs) with airodump-ng?
is there any spesific command i must type in?
in backtrack2, when i run:
airodump-ng –ivs -w test -c 1 ra0
then press Ctrl-C,
then i want to resume, but when i run the same command, i
got test-01 file name saved instead test.
or, can we combine it?
2. how do i set my wireless card with kismet?
on /etc/kismet.conf, i replace the line :
then i run kismet,but got error…
it says:
Server options: none
Client options: none
Starting server…
Waiting for server to start before starting UI…
Suid priv-dropping disabled. This may not be secure.
No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.
Enabling channel hopping.
Enabling channel splitting.
FATAL: Unknown capture source type ‘rt61′ in source ‘rt61,ra0,d-link’
my card is d-link dwl g-510, with rt61 driver…
i know this driver when i run airmon-ng ra0
and it says, it support for monitor mode…
is my card support for this?
or is my kismet’s config wrong?
can anybody tell what i should do?
thx for attention…
Jan 21st, 2008
The Real NeO
Hey there love the tutorial best one i have ever seen
Jan 23rd, 2008
Dear Ryan,
First of all, wonderful tute! Easy to follow too! I have an issue here though. Instead of ath0, I get only eth1. Yes, as mentioned above, it’s an ethernet controller. But I proceeded, and managed to get packets. But I didnt get any ARP even after 400k packets reading. And packets sent were always 0 too. It was all working fine till that step. Managed to use Kismet and get my network listed, airodump was graceful too, and I believe I managed to associate my aireplay with my network. But that was it. No ARPs found. The speed was slow too. Took me about 12 hours to reach 400k packets.
What should I do? Use a PCMCIA WLAN? Get a USB WLAN dongle? or its just something that Im missing here?
Jan 23rd, 2008
John Dunks
Thanks for the tutorial. ive got as far as step 2
but Airodump says No interface specified.
could you tell me where do i specify interface for Airodump?
I have search everywhere on http://aircrack-ng.org for anything about how to config ( specify interface ) and cant find anything its really got me locked down here, i cant move forward. please help, also if you tell me where i specify interface please tell me the format it should look like, eg: for kismet i had to set the capture source and the format was source=ipw3945,wlan0,6
(type, interface, chanel)
please help :)
Jan 23rd, 2008
John Dunks
Hey Shahz
I am not an expert but it looks like you have set up kismet source wrong. it goes like this
you said yours is:
change the last part d-link for the chanel you are using/scanning. kismet should work now.
how did you find out how to config or specify interface on airodump mate?
Jan 23rd, 2008
Heya John,
you actually replied for polo :D
on airodump, just type
airodump-ng -h
and the help section pops out. That’s where I followed before typing the whole string.
Interface can be set in airmon if you wish. What matters is, the wireless device must be in monitor mode.
Hope that helped you..Anyone else can help me? Wonder where is Ryan..
Jan 23rd, 2008
Hi Shah - I’ve had some strange results like that as well testing this method. I really don’t have an answer why it happens… you could be too far away from the AP, I’m not really sure.
Jan 23rd, 2008
John Dunks
Hi Ryan, John again..
Ive got to step 3 and 4 now
can you clarify about step 3. after i put the string in, what should happen in the window?
On mine it simply tells me how to get help. “aireplay-ng –help”
IS this right? ive checked my code a few times.. im sure its right. the target SSID has spaces in it, i wonder if thats causing a problem.
my string for step 3 is:
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e LINKSY IS WIFI -a 00:01:4a:05:21:a1 -h 00:1b:77:8c:23:a3 wlan0
The reason that i dont think Step 3 has gone right is because on step 4 it says that it Reads 2015 packets, but doesnt pick up any ARP requests and 0 ACKs
please help if you can?
Jan 24th, 2008
In order to obtain ARP, is it important for the wireless network to be running activities (other clients connected to it)? My ethernet controller isnt really listed in the compatibility list, but surprisingly, the mac address was obtained succesfully, and the wireless worked seemlessly. Just no ARPs recieved. On the other test laptop which was using Atheros wireless ethernet controller, BackTrack didnt identify it and it didnt loaded at all. I’m stuck here really. Wonder where’s the flaw.
Jan 25th, 2008
I believe if there aren’t any other clients accessing, you won’t receive any ARPs to capture and inject. You can fake auth, but if there is mac filtering enabled on the router and no other client accesses it for example, an ARP wouldn’t be generated to capture and inject. Don’t quote me on that, been a long time since I messed with this.
Jan 26th, 2008
haha..I dont really see a point for enabling Mac filtering WITH WEP protection..That’s really pointless..hehe..Only one last question Ryan, did you use a USB wireless adapter or a PCI/built in adapter?
Jan 27th, 2008
Linux WEP hacking Noob.
I was able to successfully crack my home 128 bit 64 hex wep encrypted wireless network. Here is what I did:
First of all I used BAcktrack 3.
I mainly followed the instructions above which were very helpful and explained alot.
opened start/internet/wireless asistant
located the ap I wanted and its channel #
first ran kismet
open terminal
run start-kismet-ng
choose wifi0
verify iwconfig -should have ath0 “managed” and ath1 “monitor”
iwconfig ath1 rate auto
airodump-ng –ivs -w /mnt/sda1/aircrack/temp01 –channel 10 ath1
macchanger -s ath1
copy my wireless mac address
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e linksys -a 00:11:22:33:44:55 -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 ath1
aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 ath1
aircrack-ng -s /mnt/sda1/aircrack/test1-01.ivs
waited 3 minutes found wep key
I manually typed it at first and it did not work.
Copied it to kedit removed the colons and copy and pasted and it worked!
Jan 28th, 2008
My Toshiba laptop has a built in Atheros chipset wireless adapter. Worked out of the box.
Feb 5th, 2008
NIKKO! I am having the same issue like yours did you get any help on this ??
okay im stumped. it seems like my adapter stops working after about 3 or 4 minutes. the packets per second number goes to zero in kismet and the mac addresses in airodump begin to disappear one by one.
Then when i close all the windows and open kismet again, it now lists 5 adapters for me to choose from (wifi0, ath0, ath1, ath2, kis) when before there were just 2 (wifi0, ath1).
No matter which one i choose it eventually says the same “fatal” error and closes the window itself. only way to get it working again is to reboot.
any thoughts??? i am using a listed netgear wpn311 desktop adapter.
Feb 5th, 2008
Sorry I am using a Neatgear WG511T it has an Atheros chipset
not wpn311
Feb 16th, 2008
I have no idea ivan, I’m still trying to figure it out. Any thoughts ryan, I am now trying to crack with a listed dlink wda-2320 and it stops working after about 10 minutes or so. Could it be my motherboard or something?
I’m going to install the card on my old dell and try it from there, the other thing i have not tried is backtrack ver 1. I’ve been using ver 2 and 3. Anybody, same issues as us???
Feb 19th, 2008
Hi all,
when i use ‘aireplay-ng -1 0 …’ no matter what -h mac address i use i always get:
The interface MAC (00:00:00:00:00:00) doesn’t match the specified MAC (-h).
ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:18:DE:D4:BF:10
23:55:17 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:13:10:4A:6F:ED) on channel 6
23:55:17 Sending Authentication Request (Open System)
23:55:19 Sending Authentication Request (Open System)
Attack was unsuccessful. Possible reasons:
* Perhaps MAC address filtering is enabled.
* Check that the BSSID (-a option) is correct.
* Try to change the number of packets (-o option).
* The driver/card doesn’t support injection.
* This attack sometimes fails against some APs.
* The card is not on the same channel as the AP.
* You’re too far from the AP. Get closer, or lower
the transmit rate.
where the mac at line:
ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:18:DE:D4:BF:10
is the mac i typed as -h. Whatever i use as mac i get same error, no matter is a real client or a mac i invented…
Any ideas?
Pls help me, i am stuck on it.
Mar 6th, 2008
Awesome post for newbies. Thanks so much. One question: is it even possible to perform these tasks without writing to a disk? I don’t feel like partitioning my drive right now. Again, thanks!
Mar 9th, 2008
I try it several times and it doesen’t work! if i create files, they desapear and i can not find them. maybe u must explain what kind of cfg u put in before u start with the whole thing…. or maybe im to stupid or just a noob… :)
…nice tutorial…
Apr 2nd, 2008
i got all the steps to work but it takes a long time for me to collect ivs. it took about an hour to collect 2000. what am i doing wrong?
Apr 8th, 2008
hey i have a major problem, i cant even get past step 1…..i cant open kismet. I am using bt3 boot from the disk. I have an intel(R) wireless wifi link 4965. when i try to open kismet it just doesnt go. Can someone please help????
If someone is kind enough to guide me through the process please reply to this post or email me at kivi12k@aol.com
Apr 20th, 2008
Letting you know that I just stumbled this article
Apr 28th, 2008
hi there.I have the exact same problem with daniel.to tell u the truth i have not yet figured out clearly whether the second mac adress should be the one of MY wireless card ,or the CLIENT’S mac adress,who is connecting to the rooter(AP)anybody can help?
May 10th, 2008
startx problem
Hi there I’m having the same problem as Andrew
“type : startx
and it says:
-bash: bt: command not found
Can you help me ?
Thx a lot!”
but instead it says something about server x or something..
Ryan help me please :) :)
May 10th, 2008
Da Boss
Great tutorial man…
I’m real nu to all tis tho but yo tutorial made alot clear…
I jus have tis question tho… which part of the screen can I get the Channel # an I use a Dell Inspiron 6400 with the Brodcom wireless card 4311 which is in the list but I cant manage to find the name of my wireless Adapter nor the Mac address even after runnin iwconfig…
I jus get somtin lyk this “eth1″. Is this the name of my card????// Help pls…
May 10th, 2008
startx problem
My startx 100% doesn’t work but flux does :S any clearer?
~(btw I am using live cd burnt to a cd, booted beforew I get in windows)
I tried just using the terminal I get after loging in succefully as root and toor, but it doesn’t recognise the promt
Thanks in advance
May 25th, 2008
Hey Kivi, u havta config kismet
go google kismet.conf
Jun 1st, 2008
Ive created a video for you guys to understand easily
Jun 2nd, 2008
How do I convert the resulting HEX WEP key into decypherable alphanumeric password (if it is?)
Jun 5th, 2008
I have made a video. Easy to understand
Follow the instructions in the more info section
Jun 11th, 2008
Mulumba K.
does any one know how to use backtrack 3 or is it the same as this
Jun 18th, 2008
Hi Ryan,
This is a gr8 tut & very easy to understand for begginers.first i had some prob following all the procedure but any how i managed to hack.Thanks for your effort.
Jun 23rd, 2008
Stefan Certic
Great tutorial! Working!
Jul 9th, 2008
Does any one know if a Dynex DX-BGDTC desktop card will work with backtrack? Or would an HP6710b Laptop built in WIFI work?
Jul 15th, 2008
Please help with this problem.
Im running backtrack 3 off the cd and that is fine, and i am trying to crack my wep encrypted network. everything works fine except for the packet injection step. i beleive this is because my wireless card is not in monitor mode properly;
bt ~ # airmon-ng start wlan0
Interface Chipset Driver
wlan0 Intel 4965 a/b/g/n iwl4965 - [phy0]
ERROR: Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available.
Please download and install iw from hxxp://dl.aircrack-ng.org/iw.tar.bz2
I have downloaded iw but i have no idea how to install it. Im very new to linux. Could someone please help me out? :(
Jul 15th, 2008
Just to correct my other post, my wireless lan adapter is actually an Intel 3945;
Interface Chipset Driver
wlan0 Intel 3945 a/b/g iwl3945 - [phy0]
ERROR: Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available.
Please download and install iw from http://dl.aircrack-ng.org/iw.tar.bz2
Jul 21st, 2008
ifconfig -a shows loopback and eth0 only. i dont have wlan0 or wifi0 or ath0. i suppose eth0 is my LAN port. i have a built-in wifi port on my HP pavillion laptop. how to i get to have the other interfaces?
Jul 25th, 2008
I am very new to backtrack and linux. I installed backtrack 3 on Toshiba Satellite. Its not asking me for any username or password. The tutorial says to login as root. Please let me know if there is some probs with my installation. please advice
Aug 6th, 2008
does anyone knows how to deal with long essid’s?
For example: James P or Animal House?
And another thing. One of the APs has two bssid’s. Which one to choose and why there are two?
Aug 6th, 2008
hey sorry to trouble you guys. It seems i get stuck on step 2 I cant open airodump in backtrack3. when i look manually for the files i find airosnarf and airsnort. help me anyone?
Sep 1st, 2008
P.s T0: FRED, It’s all g00d its n0t supp0se t0 ask f0r username 0r passw0rd, 0n s0me things it d0es, but it didn’t either with mine, s0 n0 w0rries it’s all g00d. C0ntinue using the tut0rial and ull get there, but again a easier clearer way t0 see h0w t0d0 it if ur new like me is checking 0ut http://blip.tv/file/930698... h0pe u find it usefull, Btw if everything w0rks like in tut0rial, and it sitll d0es n0t receive Data then y0u p0ssibly need a c0mpatible Wifi, Id suggest the Netgear WG111v2 It w0rks perfect, ive had a Belking 54gb USB it w0rks, but!!! there’ is a slight pr0blem bringing the card back intu m0nit0r m0de after changing mac address. i just skipped that part and used 0riginal mac 0n my WIFI and cracked the WEP key ;D… Evil i have ermm lets see ab0ut 5 netw0rks cracked :D rawr!… fun stuff.
Sep 5th, 2008
do rly need to do an injection to crack the key? because im have alittle trouble trying to hack my network
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